I’ve written about dance and the arts for the Guardian, the Financial Times, the Observer, The Independent, Time Out, and other well-known UK publications. I’ve interviewed many legends of contemporary dance, including Mark Morris, Pina Bausch, Paul Taylor, Siobhan Davies and Merce Cunningham. 

Pina Bausch

Dancing in the dark - The Guardian

One of the world's most influential choreographers, she is based in an obscure German town where her avant garde, often violent, work attracted furious hostility. Her own company rebelled over her methods but more recently, after she overcame personal tragedy, critics have noted a lighter touch. John O'Mahony reports.

Merce Cunningham

The dancing master - The Guardian.

He redefined ballet with his energy, innovation and collaboration with the composer John Cage, his creative and romantic partner for half a century. Now 81, and canonised by the avant garde, he is still at the cutting edge as he comes to London with new work involving computer animation.

Siobhan Davies

Best foot forward - The Guardian

Shy as a child, Siobhan Davies became an art student but found she fitted in better at dance classes. Her innovative, improvisational style lifted her to the heart of the nascent modern dance scene, and for 30 years she has remained one of its guiding lights. Her latest piece, based on bird song, tours in October, while a new dance centre is set to open next year

Micheal Keegan-Dolan

'Ballet in the Bog' - The Guardian.

Ireland finally has a modern dance scene - thanks to one anarchic choreographer. John O'Mahony reports

Mark Morris

Moving spirit - The Guardian.

His first love was flamenco. He took up choreography in his teens and at 24 he founded his own company. Appointed to run Belgium's national dance theatre, he clashed with the establishment over his iconoclastic approach. Back in New York he set up the White Oak project with Mikhail Baryshnikov. Next week he is in London with his fresh take on The Nutcracker. Interview by John O'Mahony

Michael Clark

'My past is kind of obscene' - The Guardian

Michael Clark, former bad boy of dance, has silenced the chainsaws and thrown away the dildos. He tells John O'Mahony how he cleaned up his act